Managing Tongue Tie 

What is tongue tie and why treat it? 
Information is best explained at following link

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In children up to 3/4 month old

Tongue tie assessment and division service can be provided for children with suspected tongue tie and feeding related issues - to child ( difficulty in latching, feeding, clicking sound) and mother(for breast feeding - sore nipples, mastitis) 

Service is provided approximately twice a month at Harley Street Clinic, 

Contact us by the online form or email: 

Total cost of the same will be :
250/- (Assessment and division of tongue tie and any post op issues/ advice) for self pay patient. + Hospital Fees 250/- 

Insured patients should get  authorisation from  insurance company  for assessment and surgery on the same day. 


In children above 3/4 months

These children usually need general anaesthetic for division of their tongue tie. 

I would usually assess the child in clinic, discuss pros and cons of treatment options and then plan further management. 

Cost will be as per your insurers costs. Self pay patient can be offered the package price once assessed. 
First consultation is 200/- Payable prior to consultation.